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Let Us Defend Your Rights & Reputation Gross Sexual Imposition
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Gross Sexual Imposition Ohio

What is Considered Gross Sexual Imposition in Ohio?

In Ohio, a gross sexual imposition is when a person engages in sexual contact with another individual against their will. Gross sexual imposition cases in Ohio can be complicated and often involve victims who have been impaired by alcohol or drugs.

At Bleile & Dawson, we understand how scared and overwhelmed you might be feeling. Understand now, whatever the circumstances surrounding your case, our experienced team of Cincinnati defense lawyers are ready to offer you the compassionate, legal support you need. Our team is available 24/7 to hear your side of the story and provide legal counsel.

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Definition of Gross Sexual Imposition in Ohio

Ohio Revised Code (ORC 2907.05) states gross sexual imposition is anyone who engages in sexual contact with another who is not their spouse, or causes another who is not their spouse to engage in sexual contact against their will, or causes two or more individuals to have sexual contact under the following conditions:

  • The accused forced one or more people to submit by threat or physical force.
  • The accused impairs the victim’s judgment by administering alcohol or drugs by force or deception.
  • The accused knew the victim was impaired and unable to give consent as a result of alcohol or drugs administered as part of a medical or dental treatment, examination or surgery.
  • The victim or victims are less than 13 years old.
  • The victim is substantially impaired or unable to resist or give consent to due to a physical or mental condition, or due to advanced age.

Penalties for Gross Sexual Imposition in OH

If you are found guilty of gross sexual imposition, it is a fourth-degree felony. You could face up to 18 months’ imprisonment or probation. Those guilty of sexually oriented offenses are required to register in-person as a sex offender.

If sedatives, alcohol or other substances were used in conjunction with the gross sexual imposition, or if the victim was less than 13 years old, it is a third-degree felony. You face between 1 and 5 years of imprisonment. You would not be eligible for probation alternatives if there was other evidence in addition to the testimony of the victim to substantiate the crime and/or the offender had a prior sex offense on record with an individual less than 13 years old.

Gross Sexual Imposition Charges in Ohio

A gross sexual imposition conviction in Ohio can carry significant, life-altering consequences in addition to extensive prison time, fees and fines. A conviction of this magnitude remains on your record for the rest of your life, impacting your ability to rent an apartment, get hired for a job, or visit certain places.

A conviction of a sex offense means you must register as a sex offender. Based on the severity of your offense, you will be classified as a tier 1, tier 2 or tier 3 sex offender.

Below is a summary of the Ohio Tier Classification of Registered Sex Offenders chart.

Tier I Sex Offenders

  • Required to register as a sex offender annually for 15 years
  • Must register any change of address
  • Change of employment or,
  • Enrollment into any institution of higher education

Tier II Sex Offenders

  • Must register with their County Sheriff every 180 days for 25 years
  • Must register any change of address,
  • Change of employment or,
  • Enrollment into a school or institution of higher education

Tier III Sex Offenders

  • Must register with their local County Sheriff every 90 days for the rest of their life
  • Must register change of address
  • Change of employment or,
  • Enrollment into a college or other higher education institution.
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